How Can I Serve?

Starting your day: “How can I serve.”


Everyday I start my day by asking “How can I serve.” This seemingly simple act is perhaps the most aligning action we ca do. When we say this we are directly acknowledging our higherself and trusting that it will provide us insights into the best possible use of our time today. That it will show what action is the most beneficial at this time, how to approach people at work, and whether today is a more active day or introspective day. When we ask this question we attune to the rhythm of our own hearts and we line ourselves up for synchronicity after synchronicity. Sometimes it leads you into the mundane and other times into the unknown, the secret is to do it anyway even if your mind cannot grasp why.


Living From a New Place.


Perhaps the most beautiful part of starting your day like this is the surrender of control we experience. When we set the tone by allowing the larger part of our consciousness to show us the appropriate vibrational tone to live from moment to moment we do not need to turn to the mind for guidance. This is imperative as the mind will only encourage you to do what you did yesterday, or last year, or 20 years ago, it will tell you how to be “safe”, and lead you to live within boxes, and think in circles, it will manifest your future to be smaller than you are. If you are consistantly choosing what is “safe” and only trusting what you “know” you will live a life that is shrinking in around you as it is in our nature to expand and become more than we think we are, avoiding that expansion is painful and being “safe” can easily become unsafe.  The mind is not for creating, the mind is for integration, grounding and analysis of what you are receiving through your heart and higher mind.


Our highest purpose is always service.


Even if you feel as though your purpose is not in direct service you make an impact. You do not need to be a nurse, a teacher, or a volunteer at a soup kitchen to be contributing to society. Those are direct and obvious service roles but they are not more important or uplifting than the quiet indirect personal actions we do from our hearts day to day. In fact sometimes your greatest point of service to humanity is simply cleaning and organizing your house, having a nap, or calling a friend.  Any action from your heart is an action of service, all hearts, all people, work in tandem with each other, when one becomes uplifted by default others will as well. This happens electrically, silently, behind your mind where everything is strings of energy and there is no space between me and you. We are more efficient beings when we function from the place that connects us directly to all of creation. It is time to trust and let ourselves live this way again.


One thought on “How Can I Serve?

  1. Pingback: Gigi Young: Hogyan szolgálhatok? / 2013-07-05 | kristályhang

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